Painting by artist: Angela Sekerak. Model: Me!
About Me
Hey! I go by Morg and this is my website.
Hopefully I address any curiosity you may have.
Gamer of Sorts
The original Gamer of Sorts blog started back in 2009. I touch on it a little in this post, but it mostly focused on the games I was playing at the time: Heroes of Newerth and World of Warcraft. I would post guides and tutorials along with opinion pieces (really rant posts) of changes to the game. It was a nice little hole in the wall that had a small following. Unfortunately, I committed a great sin in the blogging world: I let my domain name expire. Someone snatched it up rather quickly and generously offered to sell it back to me for $1,000. I didn’t have much time for blogging anymore anyway and rather than move everything over to a new domain and start over I decided to just let everything go. Keeping guides and tutorials up to date with maintained games does require a lot of time. Looking back, I do regret the decision to let it go. But you live and you learn.
I’ve only recently decided to start Gamer of Sorts up again. I needed a general hub for all my various projects and this seemed like the perfect place. I decided to see if my old domain name was released and there it was. It was meant to be. Now I’m trying to get back into blogging. Slowly stretching my writing muscles and trying to keep them fresh and up to date.
ArtisticGaming started from a need to find a stress free hobby. The repetitive nature from crocheting that allows one to zone out was very smoothing. I began creating dolls of favorite video game characters. I then showcased my work on DeviantArt at first. Someone from WoWInsider must have seen as I was asked if they could interview and show off some of my World of Warcraft dolls. So awesome.
From there I opened my first Etsy shop and began taking commissions. Often I would have months booked in advance. It was fun and exciting getting to experiment with techniques and make characters I had never heard of before. I decided to offer a free ecourse so others could learn how to crochet. I also began offering patterns on various dolls I was making, most of them free. Eventually I got burned out. I’m currently on hiatus from making dolls, but I have left my patterns up for others to enjoy.